Collection: Insoles For Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is probably the most common cause of heel pain. Our F3D Insoles are one of the best ways to help treat and prevent Plantar fasciitis heel pain. Choosing the right one for you depends on your foot type.

Do I have Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is probably the most common cause of heel pain with symptoms including gradual onset pain which is worse in the mornings, or after a priod of rest. As your foot warms up the pain eases, often only to return again later.

What are the best insoles for Plantar fasciitis?

There are many different types of insoles, heel pads and shoe inserts claiming to help cure Plantar fasciitis. However the most important thing when recovering from this stubborn injury is to support the arch of your foot (plantar fascia). As a result, an orthotic type insole which controls the position of your heel and supports your arch is the best type to choose for Plantar heel pain.

Foot biomechanics

The correct one for you depends on your specific foot type and whether you overpronate, supinate or have a neutral foot. Most people with Plantar fasciitis tend to overpronate.

Plantar fasciitis insoles for overpronators

Overpronators are much more at risk of suffering Plantar fasciitis. As your foot strikes the ground the arch under your foot flattens.

Foot biomechnics and Plantar fasciitis without an insole

As a result, the Plantar fascia under your foot over-stretches, tugging at its attachment to your heel. Eventually it becomes inflammed and over time degenerates causing pain.

plantar fasciitis insoles

The F3D Support Insoles works best for overpronates who's feet flatten when walking and running. 

up4570 insole support plus

Neutral feet

If you neither overpronate or supinate (under-pronate) then you are among the lucky ones. You are less likely to suffer plantar related heel pain because your foot tends not to flatten as you walk and run. However, if you do suffer then the F3D Neutral Insole is the one for you. It has natural support with very good cushioning.


These people usually have rigid, high arch feet and are also less likely to suffer Plantar heel pain. However, cushioning is the priority for this foot type as it lacks its own natural shock absorbing properties. As a result the F3D Cushion Insole is the best choice for oversupinators.

What is my foot type?

If you are not sure what your foot type is then try the wet foot test. Stand on a piece of paper with wet feet and examine your footprint.

plantar fasciitis insoles foot type
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